Thursday, May 26, 2011

Automatic Finger Washer: A Pow!Science! Experiment!

Automatic Finger Washer

Objective: To observe the effects of gravity on two objects of different mass.


  • 5 Washers
  • 1 Paperlclip (we’ve found that large paperclips work best)
  • String (about a 2.5 feet long)


1.Stack the washers, thread the string through the hole, and tie them to one end of the

string. Pow!Science! recommends at least a double knot. Maybe triple.

2.Tie the paperclip to the other end of the string.

Parents and kids will most likely have to work together to complete the experiment from this point. Not-so-tall folks may experience better results if they stand on a chair.

3. Standing up and giving yourself some space, point an index finger straight out, parallel to the floor, or even slightly up. Hang the washers over this finger so that they only hang down a few inches from your hand. Hold the paperclip with the other hand so that the rest of the string is also parallel to the floor.

4.Release the paperclip!

What’s Going On?

Gravity pulls the washers down, and the string pulls the paperclip sideways—but gravity also pulls the paperclip down—so its sideways motion is combined with its downward motion!

Think and Talk About This:

Would objects with different weights (on either end of the string make a difference in this experiment? Try it at home and find out!

Family Science Night is a fun, free even held each month at both Pow!Science! Locations. Check the Events Calendar to see when the next FSN is and call to register!

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